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For me, this book didn't hit the mark because I am such a huge horror and thriller junkie. I really wanted to love this book as it seemed like the perfect storm for someone like me!
Another factor that I wasn’t really a fan of was the writing style. Now I have never read any of Gillian French’s other novels, so I am not sure if this was just a one book kind of style or her regular writing style, but I was not a fan. It was choppy and confusing for someone who has dyslexia like myself. I kept having to reread sections of the novel for it to make sense to me.
If you enjoy contemporary novels with a hint of something hiding in the darkness than I would check this book out but if you wanted to be scared in the middle of the night maybe try Stephen King.
Clara doesn’t actually believe in the Mumbler. But as Halloween gets closer and tensions build in the town, it’s hard to shake the feeling that there really is something dark and dangerous in Pender, lurking in the shadows, waiting to bring the stories to life.
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