All About Allison
My, my what has gotten into my little devil?
Dark Radiance
More about Allison
Hello, readers and writers! Storytelling has always been a large part of my life. From an early age, I learned to tell stories through dance and musical theater productions before I could comprehend how to put the pieces of a story together. Then in grade school, I was introduced to the wonderful world of library day, which allowed me to be any characters I wanted to be. From there, I was catapulted into creating my own stories through skits, books, and music.
But to say it was smooth sailing from there on would be a lie. When I was in fourth grade, I fell out of love with reading because the words looked like a scientific code that you found in action movies. I was tested and learned I was dyslexic, which allowed me to learn techniques on how to relearn how to read.
Soon in the summer before seventh grade, a strange package came in the mail with the return label stating it was from a certain E. Cullen. From the second I dove into the Twilight universe, I never stopped reading and writing. Finding my way back into the love of storytelling began from a simple vampire novel.
In my senior year of high school, the idea of writing a novel began to become a reality, and I began to write what now is Dark Radiance. The book finally came together in the Disney World tunnels when I would write on my breaks and lunch.
When I am not daydreaming about my next project, I am most likely watching hockey. The Arizona Coyotes are my favorite team, and if they are in town, you can find me cheering them on under the arena lights.